Big Brother Kaitlyn and Brett Live Feeds

Kaitlyn on Big Brother 20

Kaitlyn has been the gift that hasn't stopped giving us crazy so far on Big Brother 20 and last night she kept the partying going. Scottie revealed to Kaitlyn details of the Bros' plan and that was enough to set her off and solidify plans for this week's eviction.

Grab your Live Feeds right now (get the Free Trial to start) and rewind with Flashback to catch all the drama. It's like a DVR for everything in the house that lets you rewind to any camera at any time of any day. So even if you missed anything before you can go back and rewatch it like it's live.

You'll need to start on your Feeds back at 9:36 PM BBT 7/15 Cams 3/4. Scottie has an audience in the HOH room with Faysal, Haleigh, and Angie when Kaitlyn joins the group. She says she got a "hit," ya know, spiritual birds kind of thing, and it told her she was being targetted by the Bros. She wants to know if that was real.

Scottie doesn't hold back. He's looking to get in good with this side of the house, especially after his Swaggy-vote flip. Scottie proceeds to tell Kaitlyn and the group how the Bros proposed a plan on Saturday night for Scottie to save one of them with his Veto win and then renom Kaitlyn for a BD. Sure, it seemed like a longshot before, but now it's definitely a no-go.

Kaitlyn is enraged. Her heart is beating so fast she grabs Faysal's hand to cup her bosom so he can feel her, um, heartbeat? Well, that's strange, but very Kaitlyn. Soon she's ready to confront the Bros. She wants to call a House Meeting. Angie applauds. She likes this idea!

Gallery: Kaitlyn Goes For The Bros

Jump forward to 9:46 PM BBT as Kaitlyn goes out of the HOH room and starts shouting at the Bros for them to admit to anything she might need to know. They play dumb. She decides to come down for a face to face.

HGs are gathered for the show and she's angrily questioning the guys over why they'd go and throw her name out there for a renom when she thought they were friends. Winston tells her they are friends. "Not friendly enough!" retorted Kaitlyn.

While they're continuing to try and play a little dumb we see Scottie has joined the fray and starts throwing gas on the fire. He tells everyone that the Bros did indeed come to him for a secret meeting and suggest Kaitlyn be a BD target. Sheesh, Scottie. This guy knows how to burn bridges in all directions.

With Scottie's confirmation of what the guys told him Brett finally admits it. He steps up and admits they did suggest Kaitlyn because she would leave the least blood on Scottie's hands. True enough. Kaitlyn isn't pleased and continues to dig into them.

Gallery: Kaitlyn Goes For The Bros

After a few minutes, things start to calm and Kaitlyn marches outside. Guess who follows her out? No one. If you're thinking that upset Kaitlyn then you'd be right. Back inside Scottie tells JC what just went down. JC tells Scottie that was a bad move and reminds Scottie that he won't be HOH forever, so why make himself a target now when he's almost out of power?

Tyler finally goes out to talk with Kaitlyn in the backyard. He encourages her to keep calm and not make herself a spectacle and target for HGs. Tyler is probably regretting that he doesn't have a calmer, more stable secret ally. Victoria she is not.

Not long after Kaitlyn laments her move to BD Swaggy last week. Yep, she was lead by the nose into that one. She's too easily manipulated and it's causing her trouble, but it makes great Feeds for us!

So what does all that mean for the vote? Kaitlyn is now solidly joining the VTE-Brett side, but that might not be a sure thing. As for what L6 wants to do now, Tyler and company later agreed that now they definitely need to keep Brett. Interesting! I'd guess they want to keep a bigger target because Brett is definitely the one that Kaitlyn, Scottie, and all want out now.

The drama boils on for awhile in the house after the arguing s9:36 PM worth going back and starting your Feeds at 9:36PM BBT 7/15 then letting things roll on from there.

What do you think of Scottie's decision to reveal this private talk with the Bros? He's only getting one of them out this week at most, so was he in the right here? Share your thoughts and get ready for more fun on Monday with the Veto meeting.

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